Presentation overview

Enhanced Index Strategies

The long-standing debate over active versus passive investing might be missing the point. Passive investing offers advantages such as competitive costs, diversification, and clarity, which have benefited many investors. Active investing, on the other hand, holds the potential for outperformance.
Enhanced Indexation bridges this divide by combining the strengths of both approaches. However, success depends on the execution. It requires common-sense investment principles paired with a disciplined, systematic approach.
Simply finding return generators is not enough; they must be integrated into a well-constructed portfolio that not only aligns with its strategy but also avoids unintended risks. As we all know, the world keeps turning, and the portfolio needs to continuously adapt to new insights and emerging risks.
This session illustrates that by adopting this approach, active and passive investing, can perhaps be friends, just like Maverick and Iceman.



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